How Do I Date Beautiful Women, Even Celebrities? 

Are you a guy who’s interested not only in dating beautiful women, even celebrities, but would like to get beautiful women to approach YOU first? Can it really be done? The answer is an unqualified “yes” IF you know what to say and do, and what to avoid saying and doing.

Most guys have no clue about the day to day life of stunningly beautiful women. They have no idea how many times a DAY these beautiful women are approached by guys whose obvious interest is to “sex them up.” And for celebrities, it’s even worse. Day in, and day out they hear the same thing: “oh you’re such beautiful women… do you have boyfriends… can I take you out…” and on and on and on. Beautiful women simply become numb to guys asking them these questions, and tune them out. Now, that’s not to say these beautiful women don’t want to meet men… because they do. Many of them desperately. But beautiful women like a guy who’ll say something different to them, something unusual, something that will create attraction in them. And most of all beautiful women crave a man who “defines authority” for them, one who is not intimidated by their looks (or fame).

Let me give you an example.

I’m in the business of teaching other guys how to get desirable, beautiful women to approach them first for a date, no matter their looks, age or income. And while I rarely take clients, occasionally I’ll make a mistake and let someone talk me into helping them.

A few weeks ago I was working with a guy who was desperately in need of help. Like I always do, I asked him, “What specifically do you want in beautiful women? What don’t you want? And most importantly, what’s your ideal experience with a woman?” Most of guys, of course, have no specific answers to these questions—and if you don’t know what you’re looking for, it’s extremely difficult to achieve any measure of success—whether with beautiful women or in any area of your life.

This guy, amazingly enough, didn’t pause with his answer: “I’d like to sex Paris Hilton—and other beautiful women” he leered. I was a bit taken aback—apparently I don’t speak the “new lingo.” “Sex Paris Hilton,” I said. “What the heck does that mean, sex Paris Hilton?” “It means I’d like to get with her you know, sex her up, sex Paris Hilton—or a woman like her.” Ah-ha. “So your goal is to share a few adventures with celebrities, or beautiful women who look like celebrities?” He nodded eagerly—“I’ll settle for a look-alike,” he said, “but what do I say, what do I do to get beautiful women to even speak to me?”

Here’s what I told him in regards to beautiful women: first off, get all thoughts of lust out of your head. If you want to spend time with beautiful women, you need to get to know them as people first.

Here’s what to do: when you see a beautiful woman (or beautiful women) you want to approach, look her in the eye, and smile slightly, using your “naughty little boy smile.” Your intent is to make her smile back at you, while you continue to hold her gaze, and smile wider and “naughtier.” Look for something unusual about her that few other guys would notice, and bring it to her attention. For example:

“You look like a well-conditioned athlete… what are you training for?” “Hmmm, that’s a most unusual tattoo… what made you decide to get that particular one?” “That’s a very professional looking business suit… what’s the occasion for dressing so professionally?” “You have a great energy, much like my friends in the martial arts… what kind of physical training do you do to have such a great energy… or is it just natural?” Or if all else fails, “What are smiling about… remembering something that makes you grin?”

The key is to notice something about her environment, and ask her an open ended question letting her know you’re sincerely curious about her. Don’t tell her, “you’re a beautiful woman and I like beautiful women.” She’s heard that. You want to give her an opportunity to talk about herself, something few guys ever do. They’re trying to impress her, instead of shutting up, listening and letting her impress herself about you.

By doing this, you let her know you’re interested in her as a person (as opposed to a sweaty piece of meat), that you appreciate her beauty (and beautiful women) but you’re not intimidated or especially impressed by it, and that you need to hear more before you let her into your life. When you do this, you will stand out from the crowd that asks her the same questions over and over and over—and she’ll be more than happy to pick YOU up!

(To Tryout these great tips, see Fleshpot)

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We Were Turned On By Super Loud Neighbor Sex! 

My boyfriend was staying over the other night and we had gone to bed after having dinner. We were both busy at work earlier in the week so we weren't really in the mood. Well, in the middle of the night, he shakes me awake and when I woke up he whispered to "just listen." My next door neighbors were having super loud sex! My apartment walls are thin so sometimes I can hear their TV but I've never heard them doing that! We giggled about it and then we found ourselves kind of turned on! We started making out and then one thing led to another. But we weren't at all as loud as my neighbors—at least, I don't think we were because they were quiet by the time we were finished..!

Do You Get Turned On When Your Neighbors Have Sex?
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Are Your Neighbors Banging Their Headboard On The Wall? 

One night, on a vacation with our friends, my husband and I felt a bit frisky. Unbeknownst to us, the headboard was banging against the wall, making quite the raucous.

The next morning, our friends opened the conversation with a hilarious joke about the racket — it made us all laugh out loud. There was no shaming or pointing fingers, just a bit of poking fun.

There is no better way to address an uncomfortable situation than with good wit. The next time you run into your neighbors, flash a smile, and couple it with a lighthearted comment that addresses the issue.

Something like, “You two seem to have quite the healthy sex life! How do you have the energy?! By the time the kids go to bed, we are too exhausted.” They’ll get the point, and you’ll have saved face in the process.

Do You Want To See What The Headboard Banging Neighbors Look Like Naked?
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Is it bad I masturbate while listening to the people next door have sex? 

I live in an apartment with stereotypical “thin walls” and with frequently noisy neighbors. This isn’t a complaint. I actually enjoy hearing them have sex and commonly masturbate while listening.

I recently had a friend over, during which time we overheard the neighbors going at it. My friend commented that it must be so annoying to have neighbors like that, but I confessed that I enjoyed it and would sometimes masturbate to it. My friend was very offended by this—she thought it was a massive invasion of the neighbors’ privacy and equated it to hiding in their closet.

My belief is that since the neighbors would understand the limited soundproofing of the building, they then concede the right to auditory privacy when they’re very loud. So as long as I am within the confines of my own apartment and not trying to actively record them or use some sort of sound-enhancing equipment, I have not invaded anyone’s privacy. Have I overstepped, or am I in the clear?

Want To See What The Neighbors Look Like Naked?
 Click Here

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